Mathematics Practice Test

AP TET Maths Test -1

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4215 నుండి ఏ కనిష్ఠ సంఖ్యను తీసివేసిన పరిపూర్ణ వర్గ సంఖ్య అగును ?

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(X,143,145) అనునవి పైథాగరియన్ త్రికాలు అయిన X²-X విలువ ఎంత ?

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ఈ క్రింది వానిలో పైథాగరియన్ త్రికాలేవి ?

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4² + 5² + X² = 21² అయిన X³+X² విలువ ఎంత ?

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మొదటి x బేసి సహజ సంఖ్యల మొత్తము 7921 అయిన x విలువ ఎంత?

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మొదటి 48 బేసి సహజ సంఖ్యల యొక్క మొత్తము ఎంత ?

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100² మరియు 101² మధ్య ఎన్నివర్గ సంఖ్యలు కాని సంఖ్యలు ఉంటాయి.

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క్రింది వాక్యాలలో సరైన వాక్యాన్ని గుర్తించండి

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29637 అను సంఖ్య వర్గంలో పదుల స్థానంలో ఉండు సంఖ్య ?

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క్రింది సంఖ్యలలో దేనికి ఒకట్ల సంఖ్య ‘6’ వుంటుంది.

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క్రింది వాక్యాలలో సరికాని వాక్యాన్ని గుర్తించండి

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111 మరియు 112 సంఖ్యల వర్గాల మధ్య ఎన్ని పూర్ణసంఖ్యలు ఉంటాయి ?

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క్రింది వాక్యాలలో సరికాని వాక్యాన్ని గుర్తించండి

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క్రింది వాక్యాలలో సరికాని వాక్యాన్ని గుర్తించండి

Your score is

The average score is 37%

The importance of TET (Teacher Eligibility Test) and DSC (District Selection Committee) Mathematics lies in its critical role in the preparation and teaching of future educators in primary and secondary schools. Mathematics, being a foundational subject, is essential for developing logical reasoning, problem-solving skills, and analytical thinking. Here are key reasons why mathematics is crucial in TET and DSC:

1. Foundation for Future Learning

Mathematics serves as a foundation for various academic disciplines, including science, technology, and engineering. For aspiring teachers, having a strong grasp of mathematics helps them guide students in mastering basic to advanced concepts, which is essential for their future learning.

2. Development of Analytical Skills

For candidates preparing for TET and DSC exams, mathematics enhances their ability to think logically and analyze problems critically. Teachers need to develop these skills to present mathematical concepts in a way that fosters critical thinking among students.

3. Competency in Teaching

Clearing the mathematics section of the TET and DSC ensures that the candidate is competent in teaching the subject. A good understanding of mathematics not only qualifies candidates for teaching roles but also helps them use innovative methods to explain complex concepts to students.

4. Better Student Outcomes

Teachers who have cleared TET and DSC exams with strong performance in mathematics are more likely to help their students excel in the subject. Proficient mathematics teachers can identify learning gaps in students and provide appropriate guidance to overcome difficulties, leading to improved academic outcomes.

5. National and State-Level Standards

Both TET and DSC are used to assess candidates against national and state-level standards of teaching. Mathematics being a core subject is crucial to ensure that teachers meet these standards, which are necessary for maintaining the quality of education in schools.

6. Promotes Problem-Solving Mindset

In today’s fast-paced world, problem-solving skills are highly valued. Mathematics in TET and DSC exams promotes a mindset of addressing challenges systematically, which teachers can pass on to students, fostering a generation of problem solvers.

7. Career Advancement

Clearing TET and DSC with proficiency in mathematics opens doors to better career opportunities for teachers. It qualifies them for permanent positions in government and private schools, ensuring job security and career growth.

In summary, the role of mathematics in TET and DSC exams is critical, as it not only ensures the qualification of competent teachers but also fosters the development of essential skills among both educators and their students.